Netflix ordered a three-part docuseries detailing the Boston Marathon bombing, titled American Manhunt: The Boston Marathon Bombing. The series premieres on April 12, almost ten years after the attack.
The tragedy—in which terrorists bombed the marathon finish line—will be examined in the series. The three-part series will delve into the terrifying days that followed the attacks. It pieces together a minute-by-minute account of the manhunt from thousands of hours of closed-circuit video, police radio, and cell phone footage. It includes the testimony of police officers, FBI agents, and regular citizens whose bravery resulted in the capture of the killers. Floyd Russ is the director of American Manhunt: The Boston Marathon Bombing and Tiller Russell serves as exec producer.
In a statement, Russel said:
“The Boston Marathon Bombing is an iconic and tragic event in American history that preyed on our deepest fears and inspired acts of profound courage and heroism, and this series is an attempt to memorialize what happened and why so that we can learn from it as a society ten years after it first shocked and riveted the world.”
“It’s been 10 years, but to this day, most people don’t really know what exactly happened that week, and most importantly, why. Why would anyone do such a horrific thing? By diving into firsthand accounts of survivors, law enforcement and those who knew the bombers, we hope to bring a conclusive perspective to the event,” he added.
About American Manhunt: The Boston Marathon Bombing TV Show
"The three-part series will dive into the terrifying days that followed the attacks, assembling a minute-by-minute recounting of the manhunt from thousands of hours of closed-circuit video, police radio and cell phone footage, as well as testimony from the police officers, FBI agents, and ordinary citizens whose heroics led to the killers’ capture. Tamerlan Tsarnaev died at a hospital shortly after his arrest."
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