Apple TV+ has announced the addition of a new 13-episode animated series called “BE@RBRICK” to its collection of stories for kids and families.
This new series, based on Medicom Toy’s collectible bear-shaped figures, is a music-driven comedy that follows the story of a young singer-songwriter named Jasmine and her bandmates as they strive to achieve their dreams in a world where everyone’s future is determined by the painted-on to look they receive upon graduation from high school.
To change their world, Jasmine and her friends must take matters into their own hands. “BE@RBRICK” will be produced by DreamWorks Animation and Dentsu Inc. and will be supervised by Meghan McCarthy, with Alex Almaguer and Taylor Orci serving as supervising producers and story editors, respectively. Athena Hofmann will be the line producer for the series.
"BE@RBRICK," is a music-driven comedy about a young singer-songwriter named Jasmine and her bandmates who strive to achieve their dreams in a world where everyone's role is predetermined. In order to change their world, they must make it happen themselves. The series is based on the world-renowned collectible bear-shaped figures by Medicom Toy and will be produced by DreamWorks Animation and Dentsu Inc., with Meghan McCarthy as the showrunner and executive producer. "BE@RBRICK" joins the expanding slate of original series and films for kids and families on Apple TV+.
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