“Black Cake” is a captivating family drama interwoven with a murder mystery, featuring a diverse ensemble and set across various global locations. Hulu has unveiled the trailer for the upcoming Original drama series “Black Cake,” adapted from Charmaine Wilkerson’s bestselling novel. The show debuts with three episodes on November 1, followed by weekly releases on Hulu.
About Black Cake TV Show
"Black Cake" is an engrossing drama series based on Charmaine Wilkerson's novel. This gripping family drama with a murder mystery element unfolds across diverse global settings, including Jamaica, Italy, Scotland, England, and Southern California. In the late 1960s, a bride named Covey vanishes off the Jamaican coast, leading to speculations of her drowning or escape from her husband's murder. In present-day California, Eleanor's passing leaves her estranged children with a flash drive containing untold stories of her journey from the Caribbean to America, challenging their understanding of their family's history. Starring Mia Isaac, Adrienne Warren, and an ensemble cast, it delves into identity, family secrets, and the complexities of heritage. Premieres on Hulu with three episodes on November 1, followed by weekly releases. #BlackCakeHulu
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