This visually stunning and thought-provoking cinematic series immerses viewers in a world of vibrant adult animation with a touch of live-action. Co-created by Michael Green (known for “Logan” and “Blade Runner 2049”) and Amber Noizumi, “Blue Eye Samurai” debuts exclusively on Netflix on November 3rd. Created by Amber Noizumi and Michael Green, who also serve as executive producers and writers, the series boasts Erwin Stoff as an executive producer and Jane Wu as a supervising director and producer. The animation studio responsible for this masterpiece is Blue Spirit. The talented voice cast includes Maya Erskine (Mizu), George Takei (Seki), Masi Oka (Ringo), Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa (The Swordmaker), Brenda Song (Akemi), Darren Barnet (Taigen), Randall Park (Heiji Shindo), and Kenneth Branagh (Abijah Fowler), among others. Supporting voices come from Stephanie Hsu (Ise), Ming-Na Wen (Madame Kaji), Harry Shum Jr. (Takayoshi), and Mark Dacascos (Chiaki), to name a few.
About Blue Eye Samurai TV Show
"Blue Eye Samurai" takes viewers on a gripping journey set in Edo-era Japan, following the determined warrior Mizu, voiced by Maya Erskine. Mizu, living incognito, seeks vengeance against those who once ostracized her. With stunning and thought-provoking visuals, this cinematic series, co-created by Michael Green and Amber Noizumi, immerses audiences in a world of vibrant adult animation with a touch of live-action. As Mizu's quest unfolds, secrets and betrayals abound in a mesmerizing blend of action, adventure, and historical drama. Viewer discretion advised (TV-MA). Premiering exclusively on Netflix on November 3, "Blue Eye Samurai" promises an unforgettable and visually striking experience.
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