In this darkly comedic thriller, a diverse group of podcasters embarks on a mission to uncover the enigmatic vanishing of three individuals in a serene coastal Irish town. However, their investigation unveils a narrative far more complex and bizarre than they anticipated. As they delve deeper, they confront a truth that challenges their perceptions and forces them to confront their own beliefs and fears. “Bodkin” offers a gripping exploration of truth and storytelling in the face of uncertainty. Premiering May 9, 2024, exclusively on Netflix.
About Bodkin TV Show
"Bodkin," a gripping dark comedy thriller, a disparate group of podcasters ventures into the heart of an idyllic Irish town to probe the inexplicable disappearance of three strangers. Their investigation takes an unexpected turn as they unearth a narrative rife with complexities and oddities, far beyond what they ever anticipated. As they navigate through twists and turns, the boundaries between truth and fiction blur, challenging not only their perceptions of the case but also their own beliefs and identities. Set against the backdrop of the coastal Irish landscape, "Bodkin" promises a thrilling journey that delves deep into the human psyche, weaving together mystery, humor, and psychological intrigue. Prepare to be captivated as "Bodkin" unravels its enigmatic tale, inviting viewers on an unforgettable exploration of the unknown.
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