Scheduled to premiere exclusively on Paramount+ starting Tuesday, December 12, the four-part documentary series “Born in Synanon,” directed by Geeta Gandbhir (known for “Why We Hate”), delves into the life of Cassidy Arkin. Born into Synanon, an experimental community that evolved into a cult, Cassidy’s journey explores the stark contrast between her idyllic early memories and the abusive, extremist society Synanon became. As the series unfolds, Cassidy and her mother, Sandra Rogers-Hare, reconnect with former members, unveiling shocking truths through personal experiences and never-before-seen archival footage, ultimately leading to unexpected discoveries. The series is directed and executive produced by Geeta Gandbhir, with executive producers Cassidy Arkin, Sandra Rogers-Hare, Jonathan K. Bendis, and Jessica Cozzetta. Producers include Steven Cantor and Jamie Schutz, and Susan Zirinsky, Terence Wrong, Aysu Saliba, and Cara Tortora from See It Now Studios.
About Born in Synanon TV Show
"Born in Synanon" is a four-part documentary series on Paramount+. Directed by Geeta Gandbhir, it follows Cassidy Arkin's journey to uncover the truth about Synanon, an experimental community that transformed into a cult. Cassidy, born into Synanon, explores its evolution from a drug and alcohol treatment program to a racially inclusive utopian society. As the community descends into extremism, Cassidy and her mother Sandra Rogers-Hare seek to understand Synanon's complexities, uncovering shocking truths through personal experiences and archival footage. The series unveils the untold story of Synanon's rise and fall, blending personal narratives with historical revelations.
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