Apple TV+ introduces two exceptional six-part nature documentary series, “Born to be Wild” and “Endangered Planet,” showcasing the lives of rare animals facing extinction. “Born to be Wild” follows six young animals as they grow up in human care and later rewild their homelands to save their species. “Endangered Planet” features filmmakers and scientists capturing groundbreaking footage of elusive species, aiming to protect these critically endangered animals. Both series add to Apple TV+’s impressive lineup of award-winning nature documentaries, providing audiences with a unique glimpse into the world’s most vulnerable wildlife.
About Born to be Wild & Endangered Planet TV Show
In "Born to be Wild," witness the journey of six rare young animals raised in human care, destined to return to the wild and save their species from extinction. In "Endangered Planet," a team of filmmakers and scientists venture off the beaten path to capture groundbreaking footage of elusive species, shedding light on how to protect these critically endangered animals. Both series offer a captivating and eye-opening look into the world of wildlife preservation and the challenges faced by the planet's most vulnerable creatures.
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