Hulu has greenlit the half-hour comedy series “Chad Powers,” co-created and executive-produced by Glen Powell and Michael Waldron. The show, produced by Omaha Productions, ESPN, and Anomaly, with Eli Manning and Powell among its executive producers, is a spinoff of a sketch featuring NFL Films’ Eli Manning as Chad Powers, which aired on ESPN+. Powell, also starring in the series, is deeply involved in its creation and production through his company, Barnstorm Productions, alongside Waldron. The project is under the banner of 20th Television. “Chad Powers” follows Russ Holliday, a star quarterback whose college career is derailed by misconduct. In an attempt to redeem himself, he adopts the persona of Chad Powers and joins a struggling Southern football team. Inspired by the sketch developed by NFL Films and Omaha Productions, Powell and Waldron co-wrote the pilot episode. Manning, expressing his surprise at the popularity of Chad Powers, looks forward to collaborating with Powell, Waldron, and Omaha Productions to further explore the character’s journey.
About Chad Powers TV Show
"Chad Powers" follows the journey of Russ Holliday, a talented college quarterback whose career takes a nosedive due to his bad behavior. To redeem himself, Russ disguises himself as Chad Powers and joins a struggling Southern football team. The series, based on a sketch from NFL Films and Omaha Productions, offers a humorous take on college football culture. With Glen Powell leading the cast and co-creating the series alongside Michael Waldron, "Chad Powers" promises a blend of comedy, sports, and entertaining storytelling.
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