Apple TV+ is set to premiere “Criminal Record,” an hourlong London-based crime thriller series starring Peter Capaldi and Cush Jumbo as detectives engaged in a battle over an old murder case. The series, created by Paul Rutman, tackles themes of race and institutional failure in contemporary London. Capaldi plays Detective Chief Inspector Daniel Hegarty, while Jumbo portrays Detective Sgt. June Lenker. The show, consisting of eight episodes, will debut with two episodes on January 12, 2024, followed by one new episode each Friday until February 23. The cast includes Charlie Creed-Miles, Dionne Brown, Shaun Dooley, Zoë Wanamaker, and more. “Criminal Record” is produced by Tod Productions and STV Studios and executive produced by Elaine Collins, Rutman, Capaldi, and Jumbo. Jim Loach and Shaun James Grant direct the series.
About Criminal Record TV Show
"Criminal Record" is an Apple TV+ crime thriller series set in contemporary London. The story revolves around two detectives, portrayed by Peter Capaldi and Cush Jumbo, who become entangled in a battle over an old murder conviction following an anonymous phone call. The series delves into issues of race, institutional failure, and the search for common ground in a divided Britain. It explores the struggles and conflicts faced by the detectives as they investigate the historic murder case. "Criminal Record" is an eight-episode series that premieres on January 12, 2024, with the first two episodes, followed by weekly releases through February 23.
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