The Disney Original movie, “Descendants: The Rise of Red,” debuts on Disney+ starting July 12, followed by an encore on Disney Channel on August 9. The film follows Red, daughter of the Queen of Hearts, and Chloe, Cinderella’s daughter, as they team up to reverse a coup against Auradon. Starring Kylie Cantrall and Malia Baker, with an ensemble cast including Brandy and Rita Ora, the movie promises an engaging narrative complemented by seven original songs and familiar tunes. With over 15 billion streams and 8 billion TikTok views, the “Descendants” franchise continues its musical legacy. Alongside the film’s release, fans can anticipate a range of Disney Consumer Products this summer. Directed by Jennifer Phang and featuring choreography by Ashley Wallen, “Descendants: The Rise of Red” is set to captivate audiences with its compelling storyline and vibrant characters.
About Descendants: The Rise of Red TV Show
"Descendants: The Rise of Red" unveils a fantastical tale following Red, the daring daughter of the Queen of Hearts, and Chloe, the meticulous daughter of Cinderella. When a coup threatens Auradon, the two opposites must unite and journey back in time to alter the events that led Red's mother down a villainous path. With a new ensemble cast, including Kylie Cantrall and Malia Baker, and featuring beloved characters like Uma and Cinderella, the film promises a captivating narrative intertwined with seven original songs. As they navigate through magical realms and face formidable challenges, viewers are drawn into a thrilling adventure that celebrates friendship, courage, and the power of self-discovery. Get ready to embark on a journey filled with enchantment, music, and heartwarming moments as "Descendants: The Rise of Red" takes audiences on an unforgettable ride through the realms of fantasy and imagination.
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