Starting August 18, the documentary “EVERY BODY” exclusively streams on Peacock. Directed by an Academy Award nominee behind RBG, this film delves beyond traditional norms, sharing the stories of River Gallo (they/them), Alicia Roth Weigel (she/they), and Sean Saifa Wall (he/him). “EVERY BODY” adds to Peacock’s extensive film lineup, which features a variety of genres, including record-breaking hits like THE SUPER MARIO BROS. MOVIE, ASTEROID CITY by Wes Anderson, modern monster tale RENFIELD, and Focus Features’ POLITE SOCIETY. With Peacock, viewers gain access to a diverse range of movies spanning comedy, horror, action/adventure, kids’ content, and more. Check out the full film selection on Peacock for a captivating cinematic experience.
About Every Body TV Show
"EVERY BODY" is a compelling documentary that breaks down conventional notions of gender. Set to stream exclusively on Peacock from August 18, the film, directed by a nominee of the Academy Award-nominated RBG, delves into the extraordinary stories of three individuals: River Gallo (they/them), Alicia Roth Weigel (she/they), and Sean Saifa Wall (he/him). Going beyond the confines of traditional gender roles, this thought-provoking documentary takes audiences on an intimate journey, shedding light on the challenges, triumphs, and unique perspectives of its subjects. As part of Peacock's extensive film collection, "EVERY BODY" adds to the diverse range of cinematic experiences available, from record-breaking hits like THE SUPER MARIO BROS. MOVIE to Focus Features' POLITE SOCIETY, ensuring audiences have access to a wide spectrum of genres, including comedy, horror, action/adventure, and kids' content. Explore the rich tapestry of stories on Peacock and mark your calendars for "EVERY BODY," an exploration of identities beyond the binary.
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