Today, Netflix officially announced the upcoming anime adaptation of the manga series “Good Night World” by Uru Okabe, set to premiere in October. The trailer, recently released on YouTube, showcases the main character, Taichiro Arima, immersing himself in online gaming while dealing with family conflicts unbeknownst to them. Additionally, the opening and ending themes will be performed by the Vtubers NIJISANJI, as confirmed.
About Good Night World TV Show
In the anime adaptation of "Good Night World," based on the manga by Uru Okabe, we follow Taichiro Arima, a young protagonist who escapes into the world of online gaming to cope with family conflicts. As the story unfolds, we witness his struggles and growth, while the fate of his family hangs in the balance. With themes of self-discovery, personal challenges, and the power of virtual connections, "Good Night World" takes viewers on an emotional journey filled with captivating storytelling and stunning animation. Get ready for a compelling and immersive experience as the series premieres this October, featuring themes performed by the talented Vtubers, NIJISANJI.
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