Netflix has unveiled the first glimpse of Sofia Vergara portraying the real-life drug queenpin Griselda Blanco in the upcoming limited series, “Griselda,” set to debut on January 25, 2024. Created by Eric Newman, Doug Miro, Ingrid Escajeda, and Carlo Bernard, this six-episode series explores the life of Colombian-born Blanco, who built one of history’s most profitable cartels. In the 1970s-80s Miami, Blanco’s deadly combination of unexpected brutality and charisma allowed her to adeptly navigate the realms of business and family, earning her the moniker “the Godmother.” Guest stars and an acclaimed cast round out this compelling series.
About Griselda TV Show
Griselda" is a captivating drama series that delves into the intriguing and complex life of a formidable woman as she navigates the treacherous realms of crime, family, and unrelenting ambition. In a world where power is paramount, follow her compelling journey filled with suspense, intrigue, and unexpected twists that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
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