Prepare for a captivating journey filled with romance, intrigue, and chaos aboard a luxurious cruise ship en route to the Aegean Sea. In “In Love and Deep Water,” a dedicated butler, Suguru Ubukata (portrayed by Ryo Yoshizawa), and a mysterious passenger, Chizuru Banjaku (played by Aoi Miyazaki), team up to unravel a perplexing murder that shakes the ship. This romantic comedy mystery, written by Yuji Sakamoto and starring a remarkable cast including Ryo Yoshizawa, Aoi Miyazaki, Yo Yoshida, Rinko Kikuchi, Yuki Izumisawa, and more, sets sail on Netflix starting November 16. Join us on this enchanting cruise full of suspense and romance!
About In Love and Deep Water TV Show
Set sail on a thrilling romantic comedy mystery as "In Love and Deep Water" takes you aboard the luxurious MSC Bellissima cruise liner headed for the Aegean Sea. When the ship's devoted butler, Suguru Ubukata, encounters the enigmatic Chizuru Banjaku, they embark on a quest to solve a baffling murder that occurs during the voyage. With a cast of unique talents and an enchanting cruise backdrop, this Netflix film promises romance, mystery, and mayhem as every passenger becomes a suspect. Join the journey of love and intrigue starting November 16, exclusively on Netflix.
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