With Peacock announcing a straight-to-series order for In The Know, they are officially adding adult animated comedy series to their extensive list of shows. Mike Judge (Beavis and Butt-Head, Silicon Valley, King of the Hill), Zach Woods (Silicon Valley, The Office), and Brandon Gardner will co-create and executive produce. Additionally, Judge and Woods will also provide voices. Greg Daniels (The Office) and Dustin Davis also serve as executive producers for Bandera Entertainment alongside Judge.
With its streaming platform competitors offering plenty of choices in their adult animated comedy library, Peacock should offer excellent animated comedies for adults. Over the years, adult animation has grown in popularity and is now in very high demand among streaming users. Peacock’s second quarter paid subscriber growth stagnated at 13 million. So, if “In the Know” becomes as popular as “Beavis and Butt-Head,” the streaming service may benefit greatly from the show.
“In the Know will capture the conversations so many of us have in our daily lives in a heightened, hilarious way,” said Lisa Katz, President Scripted Content, NBCUniversal Television, and Streaming. “We’re excited to be working with the very best in the business in Mike, Greg, Zach, and Brandon, and our partners at Universal Television.”
About In The Know TV Show
Lauren Caspian is NPR's third most popular host. He's a well-meaning, hypocritical nimrod, just like you and me. He's also a stop motion puppet. Each episode follows the making of an episode of Lauren's show In the Know, in which Lauren conducts in-depth interviews with real world human guests. Lauren collaborates with a diverse crew of NPR staff. They are also puppets and nimrods.
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