The animated series “Krapopolis,” created by Dan Harmon, finally has a premiere date. It will launch on Sunday, September 24, with a special two-episode preview following the NFL doubleheader on Fox. Afterward, it will join Fox’s Animation Domination block starting on Sunday, October 1. The series, which received an early third-season renewal, had experienced delays and schedule changes. Set in mythical ancient Greece, “Krapopolis” follows a dysfunctional family of humans, gods, and monsters attempting to run the world’s first cities. The show features a talented voice cast, including Hannah Waddingham, Richard Ayoade, Matt Berry, Pam Murphy, and Duncan Trussell. Created and executive produced by Dan Harmon, the series is produced by Fox’s Bento Box Entertainment.
About Krapopolis TV Show
"Krapopolis" takes viewers on a comedic journey to mythical ancient Greece, where a dysfunctional family of humans, gods, and monsters tries to run the world's first cities without tearing each other apart. Led by Tyrannis, the benevolent King of Krapopolis, they navigate chaotic family dynamics and absurd challenges. Deliria, the goddess of self-destruction, and Shlub, the oversexed mantitaur, add to the hilarity. With Stupendous, the half-cyclops, and Hippocampus, the hot mess half-mermaid, the family faces outrageous adventures and eccentricities. Prepare for a mix of mythology, wit, and unconventional humor in this animated series created by Dan Harmon.
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