Iwájú is an original series produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios with the Pan-African company Kugali as the first creative collaboration of an outside studio in century-long history. It is a sci-fi animated series that will premiere sometime in 2023 to take the viewers on a journey to the futuristic version of Lagos, Nigeria. During the D23 Expo, Disney animation has given the audience a treat by offering a sneak peek into the visuals and futuristic world of the six-episode series.
Also, they had an exciting reveal of the characters and showed more of their looks, following an heiress Tola, a poor boy Kole, and of course, a cute salamander robotic companion named Otin. Bode, a crime lord, and Tunde, the father of Tola, also join the list of characters.
Disney also revealed that Olufikayo Ziki Adeola would be the writer/director, Hamid Ibrahim would be the production designer, and Tulu Olowofoyeku would be the cultural consultant on the series.
It has a fresh take on storytelling, which according to Ziki Nelson, “This show will combine Disney’s magic and animation expertise with Kugali’s fire and storytelling authenticity. Iwájúre presents a personal childhood dream of mine to tell my story and that of my people,”.
About Iwájú TV Show
The upcoming show is based in a futuristic Lagos, Nigeria. The series will explore class, innocence and challenging the status quo.
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