Apple TV+ has announced the highly-anticipated limited drama series “Lessons in Chemistry,” featuring Academy Award-winning actress Brie Larson, who also serves as an executive producer. The series will premiere with the first two episodes on Friday, October 13, 2023. Adapted from the bestselling debut novel by Bonnie Garmus, the story is set in the early 1950s and revolves around Elizabeth Zott, portrayed by Larson. Elizabeth’s ambition to become a scientist is hindered by the patriarchal society of the time. After being fired from her lab, she takes on a job as a host on a TV cooking show. Determined to go beyond recipes, Elizabeth embarks on a mission to educate overlooked housewives and capture the attention of the suddenly interested male audience. Subsequent episodes of “Lessons in Chemistry” will be released weekly on Fridays, with the final episode airing on November 24, 2023.
About Lessons in Chemistry TV Show
In the upcoming limited drama series "Lessons in Chemistry" on Apple TV+, Academy Award-winning actress Brie Larson takes on the role of Elizabeth Zott. Set in the 1950s, Elizabeth's dream of becoming a scientist is put on hold in a patriarchal society. When she is fired from her lab, she seizes the opportunity to host a TV cooking show, using it as a platform to teach overlooked housewives much more than just recipes. "Lessons in Chemistry" explores her journey to challenge societal norms and empower women while captivating a newfound male audience. Don't miss this captivating and empowering series.
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