“Maestro,” directed by Bradley Cooper, is a powerful and unwavering tale of love, delving into the lifelong connection between the renowned cultural figure Leonard Bernstein and Felicia Montealegre Cohn Bernstein. It serves as an emotional tribute to life and art, ultimately delivering an epic portrayal of family and love. Featuring Academy Award Nominee Carey Mulligan and Academy Award Nominee Bradley Cooper, “MAESTRO” is a film you won’t want to miss. Catch it in select theaters starting November 22, and on Netflix from December 20.
About Maestro TV Show
"Maestro" is a passionate and poignant love story directed by Bradley Cooper, chronicling the enduring relationship between renowned cultural icon Leonard Bernstein and Felicia Montealegre Cohn Bernstein. The film serves as a heartfelt tribute to life and art, delving deep into themes of family and love. Starring Carey Mulligan and Bradley Cooper, this emotional epic unfolds in theaters on November 22 and on Netflix from December 20.
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