In the upcoming mystery-thriller series “Mask Girl,” a seemingly unassuming office worker secretly transforms into a popular masked online model, only to spiral downward and become known as Prisoner #1047. While appearing repentant, she secretly plans her escape.
The show, produced in Korea, features three different actors portraying the character Kim Mo-mi in various stages of evolution. Netflix will release a trailer and three intriguing posters on August 18th, teasing the real nature of Kim.
Alongside Ko Hyun-jang, Nana, and a newcomer, the series also stars Ahn Jae-hong as an office worker who suspects Mask Girl’s identity and Yeom Hye-ran as a determined mother searching for her son.
With production by House of Impression and Bonfactory, “Mask Girl” is written and directed by Kim Yong-Hoon, exploring the lives of “injured, marginalized individuals” caught in a murder web.
About Mask Girl TV Show
In the mystery-thriller series "Mask Girl," an unassuming office worker takes on a secret double life as a popular masked online model known as "Mask Girl." As her popularity rises, she finds herself spiraling downward, becoming Prisoner #1047. While seemingly repentant, she secretly plots her escape. The show, produced in Korea, features three different actors representing the character Kim Mo-mi in various stages of evolution. As her true nature remains a mystery, the series delves into the complexities of her past and the tangled web of a murder. With intriguing twists and turns, "Mask Girl" keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, exploring themes of identity, deception, and survival.
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