Struggling with the aftermath of a tragic accident, 15-year-old Jackie leaves her Manhattan life for rural Colorado, entwined in a love triangle with two brothers in My Life with the Walter Boys. From the creators of The Kissing Booth and adapted from Ali Novak’s popular Wattpad novel, this series explores themes of loss, love, and the journey to adulthood. Premiering December 7th on Netflix.
About My Life with the Walter Boys TV Show
"My Life with the Walter Boys" follows 15-year-old Jackie, who, after a tragic loss, moves from Manhattan to rural Colorado. Entangled in a love triangle with two brothers, she navigates the challenges of loss, love, and growing up. Premiering on December 7th, this series, produced by the creators of The Kissing Booth, is based on the popular Wattpad novel by Ali Novak.
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