Prepare for an intense survival challenge in the new Discovery Channel series “Naked and Afraid Castaways.” Stranded in the Pacific Ocean, a group of elite survivalists must navigate treacherous ecosystems on a remote tropical island. With no tools, they rely on their resourcefulness to create essentials from the wreckage, including a shipwreck and crashed plane. Without knives or fire starters, they scavenge for materials to fashion what they need. In a franchise first, they must rendezvous at the extraction point on Day 21 for rescue. Meet the diverse group of participants and join the conversation using #NakedAndAfraid on social media. Produced by Renegade 83, the series will also be available for streaming on Max.
About Naked and Afraid Castaways TV Show
In the new series "Naked and Afraid Castaways," a group of elite survivalists find themselves stranded in the middle of the Pacific Ocean on a remote tropical island. With no tools or maps, they face the daunting task of navigating treacherous ecosystems including sun-scorched beaches, mangrove swamps, and dense jungles. Using their ingenuity and resourcefulness, they must scavenge wreckage and debris to create essential items for survival. With a time limit of 21 days, they must come together to overcome challenges, find food, and signal for rescue. It's a gripping test of endurance, skills, and teamwork in the harshest of environments.
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