The eight-part scripted drama “Paper Dolls” will exclusively stream on Paramount+ Australia, starting December 3, with weekly episode releases. Set on the cusp of the new millennium, the series delves into the lives of five aspiring singers catapulted into the pursuit of pop stardom through the music reality TV show, Pop Rush. Led by the captivating ensemble cast, including Emma Booth, Emalia, Naomi Sequeira, Miah Madden, Courtney Clarke, Courtney Monsma, Thomas Cocquerel, and Ditch Davey, the narrative explores the glamorous yet challenging music industry. With an original concept by Belinda Chapple and created/written by Ainslie Clouston, “Paper Dolls” promises an enthralling portrayal of the music industry’s darker side. Directed by Tenika Smith, Nina Buxton, and Erin White, the series is produced by Jessica Carrera and Kerrie Mainwaring, with Mark Fennessy and Belinda Chapple as executive producers. Don’t miss the drama unfold exclusively on Paramount+ Australia, beginning December 3.
About Paper Dolls TV Show
"Paper Dolls" unveils the captivating journey of five aspiring singers thrust into the spotlight at the brink of the new millennium. Born out of the music reality show Pop Rush, the pop sensation HARLOW redefines culture while facing the dark underbelly of an industry eager to commodify them. With the ever-watchful eye of cameras, fans, and critics, the drama explores the highs and lows of fame. Led by an outstanding ensemble cast, including Emma Booth, Emalia, Naomi Sequeira, Miah Madden, Courtney Clarke, Courtney Monsma, Thomas Cocquerel, and Ditch Davey, the series unravels the complexities of the music industry. Created and written by Ainslie Clouston, the eight-part scripted drama unfolds exclusively on Paramount+ Australia from December 3, with weekly episodes every Sunday. Get ready for a compelling narrative that delves into the glamour, challenges, and sacrifices on the road to stardom.
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