20th Century Studios revealed that their upcoming comedy film, previously untitled, now named Quiz Lady, featuring Awkwafina and Sandra Oh, will premiere on November 3rd. The story revolves around a dysfunctional family who finds hope in a game show. The film, also starring Jason Schwartzman, Holland Taylor, Tony Hale, and Will Ferrell, follows the adventures of Anne (Awkwafina), an intense game show enthusiast, and her troubled sister Jenny (Oh). To cover their mother’s gambling debts and rescue Anne’s dog, they embark on a chaotic cross-country journey, aiming to make Anne a gameshow champion. Directed by Jessica Yu and written by Jen D’Angelo, the movie promises a hilarious and heartwarming experience. Ferrell, Awkwafina, and Oh are among the project’s producers, with Alex Brown and Erika Hampson serving as executive producers.
About Quiz Lady TV Show
"Quiz Lady" is a comedy film that follows the story of Anne (played by Awkwafina) and her estranged sister Jenny (played by Sandra Oh). Anne, a passionate gameshow enthusiast, and Jenny must come together to cover their mother's gambling debts. When Anne's beloved dog is kidnapped, the two embark on a wild cross-country journey to win cash by turning Anne into a gameshow champion. Packed with humor and adventure, the film explores the dynamics of a dysfunctional family and the unexpected ways they find salvation.
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