Embark on a cosmic journey with “Rebel Moon” on Netflix, launching a new universe on December 22. Crafted by Zack Snyder, the visionary behind 300 and Army of the Dead, this 2-part movie event unfolds a decades-in-the-making epic. Following a crash landing on a distant moon, Kora (Sofia Boutella) discovers a peaceful settlement threatened by tyrants. With Regent Balisarius (Fra Fee) and Admiral Noble (Ed Skrein) closing in, Kora, joined by the naive Gunnar (Michiel Huisman), assembles a diverse group of warriors to defend against the looming threat. With a stellar cast including Charlie Hunnam, Djimon Hounsou, Doona Bae, Staz Nair, E. Duffy, and the voice of Anthony Hopkins, “Rebel Moon” weaves a tale of redemption, trust, and unity in the face of impending destruction. Don’t miss the start of this galactic saga on Netflix.
About Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire TV Show
"Rebel Moon," directed by Zack Snyder, unfolds a sci-fi action epic on Netflix starting December 22. After crash-landing on a distant moon, Kora (Sofia Boutella) must assemble a diverse group of warriors to defend a peaceful settlement from tyrants. With an ensemble cast including Fra Fee, Ed Skrein, Michiel Huisman, Charlie Hunnam, Djimon Hounsou, Doona Bae, Staz Nair, E. Duffy, and the voice of Anthony Hopkins, the film explores themes of redemption, trust, and unity against the looming threat of destruction. Join this interstellar adventure as the revolutionaries learn to fight as one to save their world from the armies of the Motherworld. #RebelMoon #Netflix
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