The Oprah Winfrey Network is set to debut a six-part documentary series titled “Rebuilding Black Wall Street,” hosted by Morris Chestnut (known for roles in “The Best Man,” “Rosewood,” and “Boyz n the Hood”). This series will delve into the century-long aftermath of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre and follow the resilient community’s rebuilding journey. The premiere is scheduled for Friday, September 29 at 9 PM ET/8 PM CST.
The Greenwood District in Tulsa, famously known as Black Wall Street, once thrived with Black business leaders, homeowners, and civic figures. However, on May 31, 1921, and the following day, this prosperous district fell victim to a devastating mob attack, considered one of the worst acts of racial terrorism since slavery. The tragic event resulted in around 300 fatalities, over 1,200 homes destroyed, and at least 60 businesses and community buildings burned to the ground.
Presently, the Greenwood District is witnessing a remarkable rebuilding process, reflecting strength and hope, as explored in this unique and uplifting docuseries. Over the course of six episodes, Morris Chestnut, along with construction teams led by designers Jon Pierre and Mary Tjon-Joe-Pin (known from “Two Steps Home”), guides viewers through Greenwood’s rich history and the personal journeys of its featured individuals, many of whom are descendants of the original Black Wall Street residents. As new businesses and projects take shape, viewers will share in the emotional and physical challenges of large-scale construction while celebrating the promising future of Greenwood.
About Rebuilding Black Wall Street TV Show
"Rebuilding Black Wall Street" is a compelling six-part docuseries hosted by Morris Chestnut. It delves into the aftermath of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre, focusing on the enduring spirit of Tulsa's Greenwood District, once known as Black Wall Street. This series explores the tragic history, personal stories of descendants, and the ongoing revitalization efforts. Viewers will witness the emotional and physical challenges of large-scale construction and celebrate the bright future of Greenwood. Join us on this inspiring journey of resilience, hope, and the restoration of a vibrant community.
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