In “Ronnie O’Sullivan: The Edge of Everything,” we delve into the life of one of the world’s most remarkable sports stars. This documentary follows him as he confronts personal obstacles and grapples with the weight of his achievements. Premiering on Prime Video in the UK and Ireland on November 23, followed by a theatrical release in select cinemas on November 24.
About Ronnie O’Sullivan: The Edge of Everything TV Show
Ronnie O'Sullivan: The Edge of Everything" delves into the life of one of the world's most remarkable sporting figures, Ronnie O'Sullivan. This sports documentary follows the snooker legend as he grapples with personal challenges and the immense pressures of success. It offers an intimate look at the highs and lows of his extraordinary career and personal journey. The film provides a unique perspective on the life of a sports icon and the complexities he faces in pursuit of greatness. Premiering on Prime Video in the UK and Ireland on November 23, followed by a nationwide cinema release on November 24, this documentary promises to be a compelling exploration of the man behind the cue.
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