Disney+ dropped an all-new preview for Marvel Studios’ “Secret Invasion.” In this pulse-pounding espionage thriller, Nick Fury races to prevent chaos amid a clandestine invasion by shape-shifting Skrulls. The series takes place in the present-day MCU, with Fury, alongside Everett Ross, Maria Hill, and Skrull Talos, uniting to thwart the impending Skrull invasion and save humanity. Starring Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Cobie Smulders, and a star-studded cast, “Secret Invasion” promises intense action. Directed by Ali Selim, the show features executive producers Kevin Feige, Jonathan Schwartz, Victoria Alonso, and more. Stream the series on Disney+ now, with the finale arriving on July 26. Don’t miss this epic battle for Earth’s safety!
About Secret Invasion TV Show
In the action-packed Marvel Studios series "Secret Invasion" on Disney+, Nick Fury uncovers a sinister plot of shape-shifting Skrulls infiltrating Earth. Racing against time, he joins forces with allies like Everett Ross and Skrull Talos to prevent chaos and save humanity. With suspenseful twists and sci-fi thrills, this captivating espionage saga keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they delve into the secretive world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Stream now for a thrilling adventure that will keep you guessing until the very end.
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