Sister Death is a chilling supernatural thriller set in post-war Spain. Narcisa, a novice with supernatural powers, arrives at a former convent-turned girls’ school to teach. Strange and disturbing events soon unfold, leading her to uncover dark secrets. Directed by Paco Plaza, this film explores the origins of ‘Sister Death’ from the ‘Verónica’ universe. Premiering at the Sitges Film Festival on October 27th, 2023, it promises a spine-tingling experience for horror fans.
About Sister Death TV Show
"Sister Death" is a supernatural thriller set in post-war Spain. The story revolves around Narcisa, a young novice with supernatural powers, who arrives at a former convent turned girls' school to become a teacher. However, as she settles into her new role, strange and disturbing events begin to unfold, leading Narcisa on a journey to uncover the dark secrets that shroud the convent and torment its inhabitants.
With the film set in the same universe as Paco Plaza's "Verónica," "Sister Death" explores the origin of the enigmatic character known as 'Sister Death.' As the narrative unfolds, viewers are taken on a suspenseful ride filled with supernatural phenomena and chilling revelations. The film is set to premiere at the Sitges Film Festival and will be available for streaming on Netflix from October 27th, promising an eerie and captivating tale of mystery and terror.
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