Apple TV+ announced the upcoming global premiere of “Strange Planet,” a 10-episode adult animated series based on the popular graphic novel and social media sensation. Set in a whimsical world, relatable blue beings explore the absurdities of human traditions. The show debuts on August 9, 2023, with new episodes airing weekly until the season finale on September 27. The talented voice cast includes Tunde Adebimpe, Demi Adejuyigbe, Lori Tan Chinn, Danny Pudi, and Hannah Einbinder. Co-created by Dan Harmon and Nathan W. Pyle, the series is produced by Apple Studios and ShadowMachine. Apple TV+ offers a wide range of premium entertainment across multiple platforms, earning numerous awards and critical acclaim.
About Strange Planet TV Show
"Strange Planet" is an adult animated comedy series on Apple TV+ based on a popular graphic novel and social media phenomenon. Set in a whimsical world, relatable blue beings hilariously explore the absurdities of everyday human traditions. Get ready for a colorful and comical adventure that will keep you laughing. Don't miss the global premiere on August 9th, with new episodes releasing every Wednesday until the season finale on September 27th.
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