“Sunny,” the upcoming mystery thriller with a darkly humorous twist, is slated for a global premiere on Apple TV+ starting July 10, 2024. Created by Katie Robbins and helmed by director Lucy Tcherniak, the 10-episode series features Rashida Jones in the lead role of Suzie, an American expatriate living in Kyoto, Japan. Suzie’s life takes a dramatic turn when her husband and son vanish in a mysterious plane crash, plunging her into uncertainty and grief. As Suzie grapples with her devastating loss, she receives a robotic companion named Sunny, designed by her husband’s electronics company. Initially resistant to Sunny’s attempts to bridge the emotional chasm in her life, Suzie gradually forms an unexpected bond with the robot. Together, they embark on a journey to uncover the truth behind Suzie’s family’s disappearance, leading them into a perilous world filled with secrets and danger. Produced by A24 and based on Colin O’Sullivan’s novel “The Dark Manual,” “Sunny” promises an enthralling blend of suspense, drama, and unexpected friendship, set against the backdrop of a mysterious plane crash and the enigmatic world of robotics.
About Sunny TV Show
"Sunny" follows Suzie, an American woman residing in Kyoto, Japan, whose world is shattered when her husband and son vanish in a mysterious plane crash. Struggling with grief and uncertainty, Suzie is given a domestic robot named Sunny as a form of solace. Initially resistant to Sunny's attempts to fill the void left by her family, Suzie gradually forms an unexpected bond with the robot. Together, they embark on a quest to uncover the truth behind the disappearance, delving into a complex web of secrets and danger. As they navigate through the shadows of Suzie's past, they unravel shocking revelations that lead them deeper into a perilous journey of discovery. Produced by A24 and based on Colin O'Sullivan's novel "The Dark Manual," "Sunny" offers a gripping narrative that blends suspense, drama, and dark humor. Rashida Jones leads the cast as Suzie, supported by a talented ensemble including Hidetoshi Nishijima, Joanna Sotomura, Judy Ongg, You, annie the clumsy, and Jun Kunimura. With its intriguing premise and compelling characters, "Sunny" promises an immersive viewing experience that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats until the final revelation unfolds.
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