FOX gave a pilot presentation order for their upcoming The Flintstones sequel series, Bedrock. The adult comedy series will transition from the Stone Age to the new, shining, and enlightened Bronze Age. Twenty years after the original series, Bedrock catches up with the Flintstone family, with Fred just about to retire and Pebbles, now in her 20s, starting her own career. … [Read more...] about Bedrock | FOX
Universal Basic Guys/The Hoagie Bros. | FOX
FOX gave a series order for their upcoming animated comedy Universal Basic Guys/The Hoagie Bros. Its plot revolves around guys striving to find meaning in a world where they are no longer needed. The series will premiere sometime in 2024. The series is produced by Sony Pictures Television and Fox Entertainment, with Bento Box Entertainment as the animation studio. … [Read more...] about Universal Basic Guys/The Hoagie Bros. | FOX