“The Baxters” is based on Kingsbury’s Redemption novels, featuring a stellar cast led by Roma Downey and Ted McGinley. The series delves into the lives of Elizabeth and John Baxter and their adult children, particularly focusing on daughter Kari’s marital struggles. As Kari faces the betrayal of her husband’s affair, she leans on her faith and family for support, exploring the complexities of love and redemption. With a compelling narrative and a talented ensemble, “The Baxters” promises an engaging family drama.
About The Baxters TV Show
"The Baxters" follows the lives of Elizabeth and John Baxter, along with their adult children, navigating through challenges and struggles. Based on Karen Kingsbury's best-selling Redemption series, the show delves into themes of faith, love, and redemption. In the first season, the focus is on Kari Baxter, who discovers her husband's infidelity and must confront the turmoil it brings to her marriage and family. As Kari grapples with her faith and choices, she leans on her family for support, ultimately embarking on a journey of healing and self-discovery. With a captivating narrative and a talented ensemble cast, "The Baxters" promises to deliver heartfelt storytelling and poignant moments that resonate with audiences.
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