The compelling HBO original true crime docuseries “BURDEN OF PROOF,” helmed by acclaimed filmmaker Cynthia Hill, premieres with the first two episodes on June 6, followed by the final two on June 7. Witness the gripping story of 15-year-old Jennifer Pandos, who vanished in 1987, as her brother Stephen embarks on a relentless journey to uncover the truth. As Stephen’s investigation unfolds, he becomes convinced of his parents’ involvement, putting his family at risk. With each revelation and newfound evidence, Stephen’s beliefs are tested, raising profound questions. Shot over seven years, the series combines cinema verité footage, intimate journal entries, and dramatic flashbacks to reveal a complex narrative. Brace yourself for a search that may come at a high cost.
About Burden of Proof TV Show
Uncover the haunting story of Jennifer Pandos in HBO's "BURDEN OF PROOF." When she went missing in 1987, her family claimed she ran away, but her brother Stephen is determined to find the truth. As his investigation unfolds, dark secrets emerge, threatening to tear their family apart. With each revelation, Stephen's beliefs are shaken, forcing him to question everything he thought he knew. Prepare for a gripping journey of betrayal and the relentless pursuit of justice.
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