“In a poignant exploration of fatherhood, brotherhood, and masculinity, five fathers of transgender children unite with Dennis Shepard, father of the late Matthew Shepard, for a rural Oklahoma fishing weekend. Amid the river’s flow, they discover unity through their unwavering love for their kids.”
About The Dads TV Show
"The Dads" offers a heartfelt exploration of fatherhood, brotherhood, and masculinity as it follows the journey of five fathers with transgender children. Joined by Dennis Shepard, the father of the late Matthew Shepard, a slain gay college student, they embark on a weekend fishing trip in rural Oklahoma. Casting their lines into the river, these men, from diverse racial, geographical, and generational backgrounds, discover common ground rooted in their unwavering love and support for their transgender children. This documentary is a gentle meditation on the profound bonds that transcend differences and speaks to the enduring power of parental love and acceptance.
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