Mark Wahlberg and Michelle Monaghan star in “The Family Plan,” an action comedy set to debut globally on Apple TV+ on Friday, December 15, 2023. The film follows Dan Morgan (Mark Wahlberg), leading a quiet suburban life as a husband, father, and car salesman, but harboring a secret past as an elite government assassin. When old enemies resurface, he embarks on a cross-country road trip to protect his family, all while concealing his true identity. Directed by Simon Cellan Jones, “The Family Plan” is an Apple Original Film produced by Skydance Media. It promises thrilling action, humor, and a unique family adventure. Apple TV+ is known for its compelling content, including drama, comedy, documentaries, and more, and has gained recognition for its quality programming.
About The Family Plan TV Show
In "The Family Plan," Mark Wahlberg plays Dan Morgan, a suburban family man with a hidden past as a government assassin. When old enemies resurface, Dan embarks on a cross-country road trip to protect his family without revealing his true identity. Alongside his unsuspecting wife, angsty teen daughter, pro-gamer son, and adorable 10-month-old baby, Dan navigates a thrilling journey filled with action, humor, and heartfelt moments. This action comedy film, making its global debut on Apple TV+, takes audiences on a wild ride as Dan balances family life with his long-dormant skills.
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