Uncover the captivating story of Rose Dugdale in “The Heiress and the Heist,” a Sundance Now Original true crime docuseries. Premiering on July 27, the three-part binge-worthy series follows Dugdale’s remarkable journey as she forsakes her privileged life to join the IRA. Serving as the mastermind behind audacious 1974 schemes, the show traces her transformation from a Devon childhood to imprisonment in Limerick. Against the backdrop of historical events and social upheavals in England and Ireland, the focus centers on the infamous Russborough House heist. Witness Dugdale’s meticulous selection of stolen paintings and the aftermath through riveting testimonies from crime correspondents and arresting officers. Executive produced by Shannon Cooper, Jonathan Ford, Ronan Hand, and Mariana Rios Sanchez, and directed by David Harvey, “The Heiress and the Heist” is a riveting Sundance Now Original Series that takes you deep into the intriguing world of crime and revolution.
About The Heiress and the Heist TV Show
"The Heiress and the Heist" is a captivating true crime documentary series presented by Sundance Now. The series delves into the extraordinary story of Rose Dugdale, an English heiress who defied her privileged upbringing to join the IRA. Premiering on July 27, the three-part series follows Dugdale's transformation and her involvement in audacious schemes during the tumultuous 1970s. Focusing on the infamous Russborough House heist, where Dugdale orchestrated the theft of valuable paintings, the series unravels the immediate aftermath through witness testimonies and expert analysis. Immerse yourself in this gripping tale of crime, rebellion, and the pursuit of justice.
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