In a remote area of northeast Thailand, a police investigation unfolds on a stormy night following a gruesome massacre. The trailer for The Murderer, a dark comedy thriller, offers a glimpse into the twists and turns of the case. As Netflix’s first Isan-dialect film, The Murderer takes special care in casting Isan actors who authentically portray the local characters and speak the dialect. This film provides a unique opportunity for audiences worldwide to explore the culture and dialect of the Isan region. Director Wisit Sasanatieng breaks the mold of traditional Isan films by combining elements of murder mystery, dark comedy, and visually stunning aesthetics. The Murderer will be exclusively released on Netflix on July 27.
About The Murderer TV Show
"The Murderer" is a dark comedy thriller set in the remote Isan region of Thailand. When a gruesome massacre occurs on a stormy night, the police embark on a twisted investigation. This Netflix film, featuring local Isan characters and spoken in the Isan dialect, offers a unique glimpse into the region's culture. Director Wisit Sasanatieng breaks traditional conventions by combining murder mystery, dark comedy, and stylized visuals. Prepare for a thrilling and immersive experience when "The Murderer" premieres exclusively on Netflix on July 27.
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