Apple TV+ has released the initial trailer for “The Pigeon Tunnel,” slated for an October 20 premiere. This documentary provides insights into the life of renowned writer and former spy John le Carré, also known as David Cornwell. Chronicling six decades, the film explores his espionage novels like “The Spy Who Came In from the Cold” and “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.” This marks le Carré’s final candid interview, comprising rare footage, dramatized moments, and an original score by Philip Glass and Paul Leonard-Morgan. Joining Apple TV+’s roster of documentaries, “The Pigeon Tunnel” joins titles like “Earth at Night In Color,” “Real Madrid,” and “The Line.
About The Pigeon Tunnel TV Show
Delve into the intriguing life of writer and former spy John le Carré in "The Pigeon Tunnel." Premiering on Apple TV+, this documentary unveils six decades of his journey as both David Cornwell, a British spy, and the acclaimed author behind espionage novels like "The Spy Who Came In from the Cold" and "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy." This documentary offers a candid final interview with le Carré, intertwining rare archival footage, dramatic reenactments, and a captivating original score by Philip Glass and Paul Leonard-Morgan. As the story unfolds, witness the multifaceted tapestry of a literary legend and spy, immersing you in his enthralling world.
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