In “The Shepherd,” featuring performances by Ben Radcliffe, Steven Mackintosh, and Academy Award nominee John Travolta, a young Royal Air Force pilot embarks on a perilous journey on Christmas Eve. While flying home across the North Sea, he encounters a dire situation as his radio and electrical power fail, leaving him stranded with limited fuel. Just when it seems his luck has run out, a mysterious guardian angel comes to his rescue. This heartwarming Disney+ Original Short film will be available for streaming on December 1.
About The Shepherd TV Show
In "The Shepherd," a young Royal Air Force pilot embarks on a fateful Christmas Eve journey across the North Sea. When his radio and electric power fail, he's left stranded with limited fuel, teetering on the edge of disaster. Just when all hope seems lost, an enigmatic good Samaritan intervenes, guiding him to safety. This heartwarming Disney+ Original Short film explores the power of kindness and the unexpected heroes that emerge in our darkest moments. Watch the pilot's extraordinary adventure and the spirit of Christmas unfold in this captivating story of rescue and hope.
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