When an astronaut named Paula vanishes, her family embarks on a desperate quest for answers. However, as they delve deeper, they realize that the mystery poses a significant threat to both them and the world. “The Signal” official trailer on Netflix reveals Paula’s disappearance, sparking a massive mystery for her husband, Sven. To unravel it, he must ready himself and his family for numerous hazards. Don’t miss “The Signal,” a four-part mystery drama featuring Florian David Fitz and Peri Baumeister, exclusively on Netflix starting March 7th.
About The Signal TV Show
"The Signal," the sudden disappearance of astronaut Paula sets off a desperate search led by her husband, Sven. As they delve deeper into the mystery, they uncover secrets that not only endanger their family but also pose a threat to the world. The four-part mystery drama, featuring Florian David Fitz and Peri Baumeister, explores the unfolding dangers and the race against time to unravel the truth.
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