The CW has rescheduled the debut of the highly awaited ecological thriller show “The Swarm,” adapted from Frank Schätzing’s popular novel and produced by Frank Doelger, an executive producer of Game of Thrones. The premiere will now be on September 12 at 9 p.m. ET/PT, a week later than the original September 5 date.
The CW acquired the U.S. rights to the series in May. This eight-part series, revolving around an enigmatic subaquatic foe, made its first appearance in Germany this year on ZDF.
About The Swarm TV Show
In the gripping eco-thriller series "The Swarm," based on Frank Schätzing's novel, a mysterious and formidable adversary lurking beneath the ocean's depths threatens humanity. As the unknown force emerges from the deep, a race against time ensues to decipher its intentions and prevent a cataclysmic disaster. Tensions rise, alliances are tested, and scientific minds unite to unravel the secrets of this enigmatic foe. Amidst the turmoil, humanity grapples with the urgent need to understand and confront a hidden enemy that could reshape the world as they know it.
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