Netflix released the official trailer for their upcoming WWII drama by Anna Winger and Daniel Hendler, Transatlantic. The story is based on The Flight Portfolio, Julie Orringer’s novel. It will have seven parts and premieres on the streaming service on Friday, April 7, 2023.
Transatlantic follows the Emergency Rescue Committee, a group that assisted thousands of immigrants in leaving Nazi-occupied Marseille during World War Two. It stars Gillian Jacobs, Lucas Englander, Cory Michael Smith, Ralph Amoussou, Deleila Piasko, Amit Rahav, Grégory Montel, Corey Stoll, Moritz Bleibtreu, Morgane Ferru, and Dominique Horwitz.
About Transatlantic TV Show
Two Americans and their allies form a scrappy rescue operation in 1940 Marseilles to help artists, writers and other refugees fleeing Europe during WWII.
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