Peacock’s new live-action series, inspired by the popular PlayStation game franchise Twisted Metal, offers a thrilling first look. In this glimpse, Sweet Tooth (voiced by Will Arnett) fiercely confronts Anthony Mackie’s character, a charismatic outcast presented with an opportunity for a brighter future. However, his task is far from easy: he must successfully deliver a mysterious package across a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Joining the cast are talented actors Stephanie Beatriz, Joe Seanoa, and Thomas Haden Church. Fans can look forward to all ten episodes of Twisted Metal exclusively premiering on Peacock on July 27, 2023.
About Twisted Metal TV Show
Peacock's new live-action series, "Twisted Metal," based on the beloved PlayStation game franchise, promises an action-packed and intense ride. The story follows an outsider, played by Anthony Mackie, who finds himself offered a chance at a better life. However, there's a catch. To secure this opportunity, he must navigate a post-apocalyptic wasteland and successfully deliver a mysterious package. Along the way, he encounters the formidable Sweet Tooth, voiced by Will Arnett, who adds an extra layer of excitement to the series. With a talented cast including Stephanie Beatriz, Joe Seanoa, and Thomas Haden Church, "Twisted Metal" is set to premiere exclusively on Peacock on July 27, 2023, delivering a thrilling and adrenaline-fueled adventure for viewers to enjoy.
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