Back for his fourth Netflix comedy special, Trevor Noah brings laughs from his recent global adventures, exploring everything from foreign anthems to diverse cultural norms. Titled “Where Was I,” the special premieres worldwide on Netflix on December 19, 2023. Filmed at the Fox Theatre in Detroit, MI, and directed by David Paul Meyer, the show promises Trevor’s signature humor and witty take on the diverse experiences he encountered during his travels. Trevor Noah also serves as an executive producer, joined by Sanaz Yamin, Bob Bain, Norman Aladjem, and Derek Van Pelt.
About Where Was I TV Show
In "Where Was I," Trevor Noah returns to Netflix, sharing uproarious tales from his global travels, exploring cultural quirks and navigating foreign anthems. Filmed at the Fox Theatre in Detroit, the comedy special promises a laughter-filled journey premiering globally on Netflix on December 19, 2023.
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