“Wilderness,” a gripping Original series on Prime Video, follows Liv and Will, a seemingly perfect British couple whose dream holiday turns into a nightmarish ordeal when Liv discovers her husband’s affair. Fueled by seething anger, Liv embarks on an American road trip, seeking revenge in the wild landscape. Unexpectedly, they encounter Will’s colleague Cara and her boyfriend Garth, entangling them in a future that will forever alter their lives. Led by a female-driven team, this psychological thriller explores themes of betrayal, trust, and Liv’s relentless pursuit of closure. Coming globally this fall.
About Wilderness TV Show
In the psychological thriller "Wilderness," Liv and Will, a seemingly blissful British couple, have their lives shattered when Liv discovers her husband's affair. Driven by a thirst for revenge, Liv convinces Will to embark on a dream American road trip through stunning landscapes. However, their plans take a dark turn when they encounter Will's colleague Cara and her boyfriend Garth, entangling all four in a series of dangerous events that will forever change their futures. As the tension escalates amidst the breathtaking backdrop of the American wilderness, Liv's relentless pursuit of vengeance leads to a gripping tale of betrayal, paranoia, and the unpredictable depths of human emotions.
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