In the aftermath of a devastating earthquake transforming Seoul into a lawless wasteland, a courageous hunter takes on the challenge of rescuing a teenager abducted by a deranged doctor. Don Lee, known for roles in “Train to Busan,” “The Roundup,” and “Eternals,” now portrays a survival-focused hunter in this dystopian world. Brace for action and suspense in the Netflix blockbuster film “Badland Hunters,” premiering on January 26. The world may have crumbled, but the hunt for survival is on.
About Badland Hunters TV Show
In the aftermath of a catastrophic earthquake, "Badland Hunters" transforms Seoul into a lawless realm. Don Lee, famed for roles in "Train to Busan" and "Eternals," steps into the shoes of a fearless hunter. His mission: to rescue a teenager abducted by a mad doctor. The dystopian world demands survival, and salvation hangs in the balance. Brace yourself for an intense journey in this Netflix blockbuster, premiering on January 26. The hunt for life begins in the chaos of a shattered city.
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