Peacock’s new series, “Based on a True Story,” takes a humorous approach to the popular true crime genre. The show follows a realtor, former tennis star, and plumber who take advantage of America’s obsession with true crime.
The series features Kaley Cuoco, Chris Messina, and Tom Bateman. Executive-produced by Craig Rosenberg, Jason Bateman, and Michael Costigan, the show premieres in June, and Peacock has released several first-look images.
The show is set in Los Angeles and explores the relationship between fame, ambition, aspiration, and murder. All eight episodes will stream on Peacock on June 8.
About Based On A True Story TV Show
Peacock's "Based on a True Story" is a satirical true crime series that follows a realtor, former tennis star, and plumber who exploit America's obsession with true crime to change their lives. Starring Kaley Cuoco, Chris Messina, and Tom Bateman, the show explores fame, ambition, aspiration, and murder in Los Angeles. The series premieres on June 8th and features eight episodes.
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