Netflix is gearing up for the release of its latest Korean drama, Black Knight, which is scheduled to premiere on May 12, 2023. The series is based on a webtoon and is set in a future where air pollution has caused a class divide among humanity. The Black Knights are a group of deliverymen equipped with gas masks who brave the harsh conditions to deliver life-sustaining necessities, primarily oxygen, to those in need. The trailer for the show showcases a dystopian world devastated by pollution and highlights the Black Knights’ perilous journey to bring hope to those who require it. Black Knight is expected to join the list of popular Korean dramas on Netflix, like Squid Game, and emulate their success.
About ‘Black Night’ Official Trailer TV Show
In Black Knight, a dystopian future plagued by air pollution has resulted in a class divide among humanity. The Black Knights, a group of deliverymen equipped with gas masks, are tasked with delivering life-sustaining necessities, particularly oxygen, to those in need. As they navigate through hazardous conditions and fight off those who seek to prevent their deliveries, they bring hope to a world in turmoil.
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