In 1980s Brisbane, Eli Bell’s life takes a poignant turn when he answers a red telephone in the room below his house. His journey, depicted in “Boy Swallows Universe,” unfolds with a broken heart that ultimately rebuilds. Amidst challenges of a lost father, a mute brother, a recovering addict mom, a stepfather dealing in heroin, and a notorious criminal as a babysitter, Eli strives to follow his heart and grasp the essence of becoming a good man. Fate, however, persistently presents obstacles. Look for this compelling story on Netflix starting January 11, 2024.
About Boy Swallows Universe TV Show
Boy Swallows Universe" unfolds in 1980s Brisbane as Eli Bell's life takes a transformative path after answering a mysterious red telephone. Amidst the challenges of a lost father, a mute brother, a recovering addict mother, a heroin-dealing stepfather, and an unconventional babysitter who happens to be a notorious criminal, Eli strives to follow his heart and navigate the tumultuous journey to becoming a good man. A tale of resilience, family bonds, and self-discovery, this poignant narrative explores the obstacles fate throws in Eli's way. Streaming on Netflix from January 11, 2024, it promises an emotionally charged and captivating story of survival and growth.
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